Interesting day today , we delivered the first of our in house DLP course for Bristol, I attended a session on open learning for #MyFest22, I came across a great article by Brene Brown on the importance of empathy in leadership which then prompted me to sign up for access to some free resources, which I am currently watching and I also applied for the Jisc internal leadership programme so today has definitely had a leadership flavour !
it’s been a miserable day in terms of the weather but now the sunshine has come out so I have come to sit outside in the garden, relaxing with a cup of coffee after a full on day.
See at first glance none of this moves me closer to my PhD goals but actually being surrounded by people who get open in the MyFest session was really very lovely … the focus on empathy for leadership too also has connections with my research as the more that I listen to Brene Brown the more it resonates with me in terms of the vulnerability and emotional connections that come out of social support.
Brene says that we are hardwired to connect and that any time there is no connection there is suffering.
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