Hello and welcome. My name is Debbie Baff and I’m an Educator based in Wales, UK. This is my blog which I started back in 2014 as part of my MA in Online and Distance Education studies with the Open University. It has gone through multiple revamps and restarts including when I switched to Reclaim Hosting a couple of years ago. There may be some broken links hanging around in some of my earlier posts, in which case if you spot ’em please do let me know!
I’m currently working at Jisc as a Subject Specialist in Digital Leadership and Culture where I focus mostly on the Digital Leaders Programme
PhD Research
I am also a PhD Student at Lancaster University and am also a proud open educator and member of the Global OER Graduate Network (GO_GN). GO_GN is a network of PhD candidates around the world whose research projects include a focus on open education (ie OER, OEP, MOOC etc). My PhD research explores educators’ lived experiences of social support and wellbeing within private social network site channels and the behaviours and practices that take place within these spaces. I am adopting a Heuristic Inquiry approach and undertaking qualitative research within my own personal learning network
Latest Posts
Back from Intercalation
So as of today, I’m now officially back on my PhD Programme having intercalated (suspended)…
Viva las Viva
I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with the most awesome Dr Amanda Taylor today….
Heuristic Inquiry : the search for knowledge on You Tube !
A well spent hour wandering around You Tube lunchtime for videos on Heuristic Inquiry (Moustakas…
Qualitative Interviewing
This seems to be a helpful video by James Woodall. Only half way through it…