October 22, 2024

Up Periscope !

I have started a Pearl Trees Collection for bits and bobs that I have come across about Periscope as I’m really excited about the possibilities of this app for education. I can see there are some issues that people need to be careful about if used in school settings etc but it certainly looks like this has real possibilities ! 

Up Periscope ! Read More

Digital Technologies, Experience and Evidence | The final bit of my MA ODE journey …

I have just counted up the days left until the deadline for the final piece of coursework for my MA … I have  57 days left until submission deadline … blimey best get cracking then … I’ve got to pick two digital technologies that have played an important role in my journey this year so I have chosen to do mine on Microblogging and use of Synchronous Audiographic Web Conferencing …  I can evidence from …

Digital Technologies, Experience and Evidence | The final bit of my MA ODE journey … Read More