October 23, 2024

Productivity and the PhD

Just finished listening to this gem from the PhD Liferaft Podcast … Particularly like the concept around aligning your environment to help make things easier for you to get stuff done. Alison tells the story about trying to get into the habit of drinking more water each day and despite it being on her to do list it just didn’t happen .. however setting up her environment but getting a chopping board and lemon ready …

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Productive Procrastination

28 May 2022 I’ve spent most of today redoing this blog (again) for like the umpteenth time. I wanted a format that would allow me to put the blog posts in a grid format but that it would still look pretty .. particularly because I will be uploading my sketchnotes and that way I can see them at a glance .. I’m hoping that this isn’t some form of productive procrastination .. it’s not if …

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Go Go Go

The University has approved a recommendation from your department that your registration should be transferred to a confirmed PhD.    Your maximum completion date for this course is 31 January 2025. Well done in developing a confirmation document that details an interesting study! Confirmation Document Approved 18 March 2022

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PhD Workflow

I’m always searching for the ideal workflow in terms of my PhD Research. You would think that having been a PhD student for five years I might actually have it sussed by now but sadly not. I have tried to summarise what I actually do but still not convinced any of this is actually effective ! Product What I use it for Evernote Useful clips, uploading as ‘brain dump’ from my mobile that I come …

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This is a useful blog post by Steve Rose ( also has a nice handy audio version too) https://steverosephd.com/procrastination-is-not-laziness/ I especially like the bit where Steve suggests that to overcome procrastination, there are four things that might help, namely Focus on progress, not perfection  Clarify your “why” Reduce the need for willpower  Set small goals  Steve Rose phD

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Darwin Days

I came across this blog post on PhD Progress by Catherine Pope which really resonated with me. Worth a look if you are feeling that you are struggling to do anything .. I seem to have rather a lot of these ! My list of stuff that I can do when I am just not feeling it looks a bit like this Check Regulations Downloading / Sorting Articles Formatting Organising Checking Citations

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