October 22, 2024

Technologies I would like my organisation to adopt …

Telepresence Augmented Reality Game Based Learning   My justification for this really is that I can see connections between all three really. Perhaps at some sort of level they appeal to me because of the creative element.  In terms of why I think they could be adopted I would be interested to look into the psychological aspect of how these technologies could aid learning and recall  ( multi modal input etc) 

Technologies I would like my organisation to adopt … Read More

Technology Table Summary

Technology How long used for educational purposes by my organisation by me Cloud computing Web Dev access Drop Box Evernote   Used for last 2 years or so Drop Box for documents and photos Evernote for documents Gmail and Googledocs Facebook Asana (for project management) Pinterest Using very recently …particularly when I managed to lose all my work having not backed up – learnt my lesson the hard way L Mobile/cell phone We have mobile …

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