Today has been a bit of a challenging day in one way or another … I had back to back meetings in work and a headache so that just made it so hard to concentrate … so when I started on this evenings PhD work I found myself flitting around a bit so it has been a bit hit and miss.
Somehow in the middle of it all I decided it would be a good idea to revisit my CMALT blog ( another thing I am trying to get done ) and ended up faffing around with that for a couple of hours. ( Queen of procrastination) … What I should have been doing was trying to work on my proposal.

In fairness I did eventually try and work on my proposal but I didn’t get very far.
My stumbling block today is that I am struggling with identifying what I think my end ‘product’ will be at the end of the PhD. I remembered reading something that shed some light on how to work this out but I couldn’t remember where I had seen it.
I did a search of my Evernote notes, looked at my Notion.So database but just couldn’t find it. Then I googled it and still nothing …eventually I looked in my little pink sparkly note book that I usually use when I have had enough of the screen.

That’s where I found it … always the last place you look isn’t, but that wasn’t easy either … poor old notebook is a bit scrambled … a bit like my brain at the moment
I’ve now written a blog post so that I can find it again hopefully but I am still no further on in working out what on earth I am actually supposed to achieve at the end of it …
one win I had was I remembered a padlet that I started ages ago where I started to pull together some stuff on emotional support – I popped this as a URL link on the side bar of the blog to remind me to actually look at it !
Hmmm…. off to cook kids tea now .. tomorrow is another day
See you Tomorrow
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