Graphically Speaking

I have recently been working with the amazing, Helen Dewaard and Guilia Forsythe on a research project to explore our lived experiences of using sketchnoting as part of our visualization work within academic writing and the associated development of an academic persona. This is my supplementary blog post in relation to my own practice.

Helen and Guilia are both so lovely and I am so in awe of both of them. It is such an honour to be able to work with them on this.

324 and counting on Padlet

I share a lot of my sketchnotes on Padlet. There is a nice handy slideshow function that produces a URL which I’ve popped below. This very helpful tells me that I seem to have 324 slides in this slide show which I find unbelievable ! Wow I had no idea that I had that many sketchnotes on here, well if I am honest I wouldn’t really describe them all as sketchnotes, some of them look more like cries for help !

What I do like about it is that looking back on them I think they do show an element of progression and also they capture some of my thought processes in real time … I think it might be a useful exercise to try and map out my PhD related ones in a timeline approach in terms of how the ideas have developed. I may well try and do that going forward now over the next few months.

To be continued ….


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