In celebration of the fact that we have the collaborating and community theme going on today, I did a periscope this morning …. aided by my lovely roomie Rhian…we just did a very quick hello but I thought I would share some thoughts … so
a couple of quick reflections from me …
Save to Camera Roll Settings
I forgot to change my settings to autosave the video to my camera roll ( it will disappear from Persicope after 24hrs) I’ve now done this for the next one …
As a workaround though, I used this helpful link that I found online which allowed me to copy and paste my periscope URL link ( which I found by searching for my name on Persiscope TV on my PC ) into a box and then click a button to magically download the file. I then uploaded that resulting file to my You Tube account .. ( there may be an easier way ! )
Send out a tweet beforehand …
I did however remember to send out a tweet ( but only just ) to let people know
Read some stuff
I wish I had read this really helpful article from Donna Moritz ( @sociallysorted) before I did it … I’ve also found this other good article from Mike Paul ( that has some tips for educators using Periscope.
Periscope is kinda cool with a buddy aka my lovely pal Rhian Ellis(@rhianellis3 )
I may not make this evening’s tweetchat, in full but I will be back tomorrow ! Happy Collaborating ….
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