GASTA Presentation #altcSummit 2020

I’m really excited to be presenting at at the ALT Summer Summit 26th – 27th August 2020 Learning Technology in a time of Crisis, Care and Complexity #ALTCSummit this week.

I’m doing a GASTA presentation alongside colleagues from the most awesome Global OER Graduate Network GO-GN Network. The wonderful Dr Tom Farrelly, Institute of Technology, Tralee (ITT) will be doing his stuff to keep us all in line.

Gasta means “fast, clever, quick, smart” and in that spirit sessions will involve active participation from everyone in the audience as well the invited speakers giving their Gasta for 5 minutes each ~ALT

This is actually my second GASTA, so having done one in real life, I already know what I am letting myself in for but I have to admit I am kind of nervous doing it online for the first time and to be in such amazing company with all these really clever folks (Ada Czerwonogora, Aras Bozkurt, Michael Paskevicius, Taskeen Adam and Johanna Funk) from GO_GN (.. think of me as the warm up act 🤪) so I just I just hope I can do it justice.

So I’ll be finalising my slides for my Presentation today … oh and there may be the odd one or two Bitmoji floating around …


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