A well spent hour wandering around You Tube lunchtime for videos on Heuristic Inquiry (Moustakas 1990) and thought it would be a good idea to shove them in a post so I can find them again.
This is a new one (well 2021) by Partick Martin – quite useful in terms of outlining the stages etc
This one came up again – I watched this one ages ago which is a Prezi by Alice Schelgel and this is quite useful too as Alice puts her own spin on what each of the phases and processes mean to her
I have also come across this today by Dr Dean Whybrow which is really interesting because I have Dean’s Thesis in my Zotero collection, he also did his research at Lancaster University ( as am I) and now works at Swansea University (where I used to work) .. small world huh ?
Dean is also a fan of Nevine Sultan (Sultan 2019) and does a cracking job of demonstrating the phases and whatthey mean together with how he applied it in his own research. I really like how he created a table showing the phases and applications side by side.

Nice summary of Strengths and Limitations of Autobiographical Research (Whybrow 2021)

Moustakas, C. (1990) Heuristic Research: Design, Methodology, and Applications
Sultan, N. (2019) Heuristic Inquiry: Researching Human Experience Holistically. SAGE Publications.
Whybrow, D. (2020) Military Healthcare Professionals’ Experience of Transitioning into Civilian Employment: A Heuristic Inquiry.
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