This seems to be a helpful video by James Woodall. Only half way through it at the moment and it’s geared mostly geared towards in person interviews rather than online but still helpful.
Also found this paper (McGrath et al 2019) really helpful in terms of offering practical hints and tips
Still hunting down advice for conducting online semi structured qualitative and/or heuristic interviews to complement the excellent guidance given by Nevine Sultan 😉 and I wandered across this You Tube Channel, I’m sure I have found it before but had forgotten so putting here for future reference
NVivo by QSR You Tube Channel
and on this channel I found this talk by Janet Salmons on online qualitative data collection and this is really helpful in terms of online interviews .. she also recommends some SAGE research methods books which I am going to check out …
McGrath, Cormac, Per J. Palmgren, and Matilda Liljedahl. “Twelve Tips for Conducting Qualitative Research Interviews.” Medical Teacher 41, no. 9 (September 2, 2019): 1002–6.
Sultan, Nevine. Heuristic Inquiry: Researching Human Experience Holistically. SAGE
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