So in my head I thought it would be a good idea to have a category that is just to record what I have done – hopefully on a daily basis as I have been trying to do something ( anything) each day for the last couple of weeks. I’ve mostly succeeded in this quest, but honestly I don’t know if it’s my age but I would really struggle to tell you what I have actually done and that is sooooo depressing ..

So just to kick start things off …
What Debbie did this weekend …
- Launched my new blog ( this one) and archived my old one
- Read some reports and papers from UNESCO covering COVID-19 – Web Page and Guidance on Open Educational Practices during School Closures: Utilizing OER under COVID-19 Pandemic in line with UNESCO OER Recommendation Rights and Permissions (Huang et al 2020)
- Worked on my proposal (again) to try and get it into a bit better shape
- Updated my new database ( honestly this is really cool – I found out about it from Inger ( Thesis Whisperer) I’m gonna write a blog post about this soon ) Check this out – it’s got colour coding and everything !
- Oh yes I also discovered the Open Library – online e-books and it’s free ! never seen this before – managed to borrow Teaching Community : A pedagogy of hope by bell hooks !! I have 14 days to read it …

- I also attempted to set up a google site – not quite sure why just have the feeling that a lot of my stuff is scattered all over the place ( might have been a bit of procrastination going on there ! )
If you want to know a bit more about and can’t wait until I blog about it then check out this video from Sterling Osborne – he also has some templates that are really handy
Huang, R., Liu, D., Tlili, A., Knyazeva, S., Chang, T. W., Zhang, X., Burgos, D., Jemni, M., Zhang, M., Zhuang, R., & Holotescu, C. (2020). Guidance on Open Educational Practices during School Closures: Utilizing OER under COVID-19 Pandemic in line with UNESCO OER Recommendation. Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University
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