Finding your own voice ?

I really struggle with this.  I need to be able to document my achievements and collate them for things like my CMALT accreditation that I am hoping to go for and in some parallel universe hopefully my SFHEA ( see I am doing it already …) I  find myself torn between the need to explain what I have done, my significant imposter syndrome that limits my belief that anything I have to say would be interesting to anyone else and my overriding fear of sounding like I am showing off. Other people seem to be able to balance this really well but I find it really difficult.  Often this manifests itself by having lots of half-finished blog posts. I’ve written about this before and I know that I’m not alone in this.  I’m still struggling with it though. 

I know that this is a challenge for me so this is my attempt at dealing with it. 

I went to Amber Thomas’s keynote at ALTC last week and loved it.

Amber mentioned that the term ‘ Imposter Syndrome’ also resonated with her. She emphasised the words that we should ‘remember that other people can see your value’.  I’m hoping that this will be my guiding light. 




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