Week 21 / 22 Activity 2g – Write a blog post on personal learning environments and where you think they are heading. Incorporate a representation of your own PLE
Here is my mind map of my personal learning environment. Using Martin Weller’s blog post on his PLE example as a framework I have tried to incorporate the main tools that I currently use. I remember doing this exercise a while back for another course ( before I had this blog) and if I can find it I will post that aswell as I think it would be useful to compare the two. I have a feeling it may have too good a hiding place however so it make take me a while to track it down ! 🙂 Any how here is the one I have just done … the ‘one I made earlier ‘will hopefully follow shortly ..:)
My main observation is that like Martin I have way too much Google in my life ! I also have a strong sense of collaboration and social presence coming out of my PLE and that connections to people demonstrate the strongest branches ….
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