Swansea Does #BYOD4L on Day Three

Great to meet up with the lovely Non Vaughan Williams and Louise Rees today to talk all things #BYOD4L.  There are some other pals at Swansea that are also taking part who wanted to come over (Chris Jobling, Sharon Harvey, Sam Oakley and Philippa Price  ) but who were unable to make it in the end but they were there in spirit … did I miss anyone off the list ?

We were going to do a persicope but time ran away with us so just a selfie.

We had a lovely talk over a cuppa though about how things have been going with #BYOD4L this week and looked at things like using Tweetdeck and also briefly about Open Digital Badges and how they work.

Non mentioned that she was really enjoying the week and that being able to access the resources and undertake her reflections at times to suit her was a real bonus. She is also new to tweet chats so seeing how Tweetdeck can help was a revelation.

Louise took the opportunity ( as per usual) to throw in some well timed HEA Fellowship related observations and mentioned how useful the #BYOD4l activities can be for colleagues thinking about fellowship.


Louise also has an excellent reflective blog post here from her day one activites. 

We also talked about the need for people to take personal responsibility and ownership of their own CPD. Non is hoping to apply for some of the badges available and I took pleasure in showing her my own badge collection ! ( #deblovesbadges)

The topic of curation came up of course ( which was very apt as it is the subject of today’s C ! ). Lou mentioned that she uses pocket together with If-This-Then-That but that she is keen to see what things she can learn from tonight’s tweet chat as she is thinking of setting up a Menderley group .

I use Menderley for my PhD studies and follow a couple of groups but hadnt really thought of it as a tool for curation ?  I do use things like Nuzzel and Scoop it for curation and have also played around with some other tools and the ones that might be worth a look at in relation to Curation can be found here …

I’ve put them on a new tool I  found a couple of weeks ago called ELink

Right then … just doing some final checks for tonights tweetchat … see you shortly for the joint #BYOD4Lchat and #LTHEchat twitter chat at 8pm …

Bye for now


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