October 23, 2024

So just what is this FOS thing all about then ?

Flexible, Open, Social Learning
Flexible, Open, Social Learning

Well FOS stands for flexible, open and social learning and I’m part of the co-facilitator team for a new  5-day open learning event developed by Chrissi Nerantzi and Sue Beckingham. We start tomorrow Monday 13th July to Friday 17th of July 2015.   It is an an openly licensed learning event for educators working in higher education who are interested to learn more about flexible, open and social learning.

The topics we will be exploring using a playful enquiry-based approach are:

  • Digital literacy and identity
  • Flexible pedagogies
  • Supporting learning
  • Communities and collaboration
  • Open education

The 5 C Framework

The FOS event uses the 5C  framework  (connecting, communicating, curating, collaborating and creating) using freely available digital technologies.  Oooh and I nearly forgot … it also has the opportunity to claim open digital badges … and of course I do love a badge #deblovesbadges 🙂  so I am really looking forward to that.

The 5C Framework

 From Participant to Co-Facilitator and back again …

I’m really looking forward to this as I had so much fun and learnt such a lot when I was a participant on the Bring Your Own Device course https://byod4learning.wordpress.com/ earlier this year so it will be really interesting to take part in this event not only as a participant but also to see how things go from the other side as a Co-facilitator !

So there are lots of really exciting things to keep us busy … including apparently a Twitter Shower …. !  I’m hoping to write a blog post reflecting on my thoughts for each day … fingers crossed …

Twitter Showers ….

[slideshare id=50432044&doc=introducingquestionshowersusingfoschatasanexemplar-150712075413-lva1-app6891]

If you want to know more check out the FOS google+ community or follow the#FOS4L hashtag on twitter !

I would highly recommend it … organic participative learning at its best ( to ‘almost’quote the lovely  Chrissi Nerantzi)

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