October 23, 2024

PhD Confirmation Awaiting …

So I finally managed to submit my PhD Research proposal to my committee last week. I’m now waiting for the next four / five weeks to see what they think and to find out whether or not I can proceed with my plans. It’s taken me such a long time to get even to this stage and I frequently have moments wondering whether or not I should be continuing on this journey. I’m self-funded so the sheer weight of the financial commitment alone is crippling, let alone the constant guilt that I feel when I am locked away at my computer. Still, by some miracle, I am still hanging on by my fingernails..

In some sort of weird attempt to summarise what I am trying to do I have done a poster of my proposal. Well, truth be told I actually did this quite a while ago and I have just updated it with my latest suite of amendments. I am so hoping that I don’t have to go back to the drawing board …

Deb Baff PhD Overview

My timescale (at the moment assuming there are no rugs pulled from underneath me by the committee) now looks like this …

Deb Baff PhD Timeline 2022-23

Apologies for the lack of ALT Text in both of these images. I will make a text version available once I have received confirmation approval.

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