Collaborative Open Quilting across Time and Space …

I am absolutely delighted to have contributed a collaborative quilt square ‘Visualising The Global Heart of Go-Gn’ with the lovely Kathy Essmiller (@kathyessmiller) for the amazing #FemEdTechQuilt for #OER20 …

The call for contributions was issued by Frances Bell to ‘create a quilt that can inspire during and after its creation; acknowledge all contributions and their history; and make a difference to Care and Justice in Education and Technology contexts’ (via #Femedtech)

This is a warm and inclusive invitation to participate in the process of creating a Quilt of Care and Justice, that will be developed with the help of the Femedtech community and others over the next few months. The quilt will be completed and displayed at the OER20 Conference in April 2020.

Kathy and I met through the #GO_GN network and decided to collaborate on a square.

This meant collaborating across timezones in the USA ( where Kathy is based) and Wales (where I am based). We used google docs to draw our thoughts together and met up online to talk our ideas through …

We have uploaded our story to the #Femedtechquilt website but also made a digital story on Adobe Spark… we explain how we came up with the idea and the materials that we used … this involves using a wonderful vintage blue and white quilt square created by Kathy’s grandma, my (probably very bad) attempt at sewing the #GO_GN penguin, and a Flipgrid Augmented Reality Video attached as a heart on a dangly ribbon … contribution

You can see the #FemEdTechQuilt page here in all its glory with all the other really brilliant other contributions ( with much better sewing than mine by the way …)

Images of some of the Quilt Squares from the #FemEdTechQuilt Project

You can also listen to Frances Bell and Anne-Marie Scott talk about the quilt on this podcast

Listen to “Gettin’ Air with Terry Greene” on Spreaker.


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