October 23, 2024
Blog / PhD

The long month of January

Is it just me or does January seem to be taking forever to finish ? While I am secretly welcoming this extra perception of time as in theory it means I should be capturing more time to crack on with the PhD, in between trying to manage the home schooling, the day job and trying to get my proposal sorted all the days are rolling into one ..

Wondering where the time has gone I thought I would have a look back at the last few weeks to remind myself what’s been going on in the world of Deb ..

W/C 4 Jan 2021

This seems so very long ago now, the return to work after the Christmas Break was actually quite busy for me work wise. I did quite a bit of thinking PhD wise and I also decided to try and do a bit of exercise and do some healthy eating, the usual New Year stuff ..

I made some great connections online this week, one with Becky Nusbaum – I got in touch with Becky after reading some of her dissertation ( which is fab) I’m hoping to set up a meet to have a chat about her experiences πŸ™‚


W/C 11 Jan 2021

The Second Week in Jan was equally busy workwise. I managed to keep up with the exercise stuff ( I use that term very loosely – for me at the moment exercise is either a teeny weeny bit of Yoga or forcing myself to get out of the house for a walk .. but hey baby steps ..)

I took part in #worldsketchnote day again this week .. as an added bonus I had an inquiry from Lorraine Kasyan who asked if she could use one of the sketchnotes that I did for it ! How cool was that ?

I had some really great catch ups this week with my pal Mike from the same cohort as me at Lancaster. Mike has actually managed to storm ahead and submit his thesis and it was really great to talk to him about his experiences.

I also had a lovely catch up with the wonderful Catherine Cronin.

Catherine has been really generous with her time in terms of letting me try and ramble on about my thoughts for the PhD. I feel I have definitely made some progress in terms of my thinking, and although I refer to last year as “a lot of faffing about ” in terms of PhD stuff, Catherine has been helping me to reframe that actually I have been doing a lot of thinking and perculating in terms of sorting stuff out πŸ™‚

W/C 18 Jan 2021

This week was a particularly busy week, Home Schooling was soooo draining this week for some reason. Probably a combination of general tiredness and so much stuff going on.

I also delivered the second of our new CMALT Accelerator Workshops on the Wednesday with ALT CEO Maren. It was a lot of work preparing for it but we had some really lovely feedback from participants which makes it all worth while.

I also had the pleasure of taking part in a Podcast for colleagues at Edinburgh Napier University. Not sure when it is going out but it was a lovely chat with the wonderful Ingeborg.

W/C 25 Jan 2021

Another really busy week, between the Snow and some pretty emotional saying goodbye to the lovely Martin Hawksey this week. We had a great virtual leaving lunch for him on Wednesday with some awesome cakes courtesy of Maren . We then did a #TunesforHawksey Karaoke Special for Martin on Thursday night …

There may also have been some wine involved .. I sang Downtown. I was in good company with Martin, Maren, Theresa, Pip, Jane, Chris, Chahira and of course the excellent hosting from Jim.

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