October 24, 2024

H800 Week 3 OU LIVE REFLECTIONS ( When Charlie met Harry …. ?)

Reflecting on the experience of the OU LIVE tutorial and breakout room discussion and using the questions provided as a prompt … ( Permission has also been kindly given by all those involved to refer to comments etc ) What were your experiences and feelings during the session? I enjoyed the whole experience of the OU Live Session in Week 3 with Janet, Adrian, Cathy and Gillian ( although we lost connection with Cathy at …

H800 Week 3 OU LIVE REFLECTIONS ( When Charlie met Harry …. ?) Read More

On the Horizon for Education: Blended Learning, New Learning Spaces, OERs & Cross-Institutional Collaboration

Nice post from Debbie Morrison @ online learning insights looking at the NMC horizon report … mmm now this institutional cross collaboration stuff is popular isn’t it … ? Good to see that http://www.oerwales.ac.uk is on the money … 🙂

On the Horizon for Education: Blended Learning, New Learning Spaces, OERs & Cross-Institutional Collaboration Read More

Week 2 A1: We participate therefore we are?

Reflections on the webcast by John Seely Brown  http://stadium.open.ac.uk/stadia/preview.php?whichevent=1063&s=31 Your work so far on H800 includes some individual reading, listening and perhaps viewing. Does Brown’s argument imply that this is less valuable than your group work? It is illogical for John Seely Brown to claim that study groups are the “best indicator for success” when he is asking us to listen to one person – himself! – in lecture mode.’   Well listened to the …

Week 2 A1: We participate therefore we are? Read More

Week 1 Activity 4: Generations of information seekers

https://learn2.open.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/1280125/mod_resource/content/1/UCL_Reading_research.pdf What follows starts with a quick exercise to focus your thinking about the Google Generation. Below are four statements about that generation. Two statements have been described as myths by the authors of the study from which the graph is taken: please try to identify those two statements. And, in your view, how accurate are each of the other statements? ‘They [the Google Generation] need to feel constantly connected to the web’ ‘They are …

Week 1 Activity 4: Generations of information seekers Read More

MA Online and Distance Education

Career relevance and employability ‘Workplaces and work roles increasingly involve media-rich and technology-enhanced forms of learning, professional practice and personal development, often summarised in the term ‘elearning’. Accordingly the experience of achieving this master’s degree has proved vocationally relevant across a wide range of occupations and locations, from managers in business organisations, teachers of languages, consultants, trainers and teachers at any level of the education sector. Each module in the MA in Online and Distance …

MA Online and Distance Education Read More