BYOD4L 2018 starts tomorrow …

I’m looking forward to facilitating on BYOD4L this week (15th to 19th January 2018).

BYOD4L is a bite-size facilitated open course offered over 5 days for educators and students in HE but also anybody else who would like to learn with us as to how we can utilise our digital media and devices for professional, lifelong and lifewide learning.

Judging by the organisation team hangout that we had on Friday it’s going to such a giggle. (Sheila MacNeill, Alex Spiers, Neil Withnell and Suzanne Faulkner) I already know the lovely Sheila, Alex and Neil of course but haven’t met Suzanne yet in person so it was a real pleasure to get to talk with her virtually… I am already in awe of her juggling skills and have found a kindred spirit in our love of bitmoji ….

I managed to do my little introduction video yesterday which I did on my iPad and edited with I Movie. I also popped some quick google slide images as some title cards. I must admit I had to eventually ask for help from my 13year old when it came to some of the more whizzy bits for editing … wish I had asked him earlier actually … he was flying around the iMovie app so much quicker than me …I knew he could use it but I just didn’t know how well … I’ll know for next time !


I’ve been involved with BYOD4L now for the last four years and every year I always learn something new and meet some more amazing people.  I’m looking forward to seeing how things turn out with the extension of the original 5c Framework (as created by the BYOD4L Creators the lovely duo Chrissi Nerantzi and Sue Beckingham) this time around as we now have 10 c’s for the price of 5 (as it were !)….

Connecting and Confidence
Communicating and (Digital) Capabilities
Curation and Copyright
Collaborating and Community
Creating and Celebrating

there will be a tweetchat each night at 8pm (follow hashtag #BYOD4Lchat ) and look out for live periscopes too !

I’ll also be using padlet to keep a record my contributions together in one place for the week so if you would like to take a look at that please feel free.

I’m also hoping to get a few more people involved at Swansea this time around, I know there are definitely one or two that might be on board so we will see how that goes …

I’ve made another quick padlet for that in anticipation !

Hoping to see you all on line as from Monday … do let me know if you are joining in the fun and games …

link to BYOD4L







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