#BYOD4L Collaborating – New Friends in the Lunchbreak ….

Googlehangout with Sam and Isobel

Just took part in my first ever live googlehangout for #BYOD4L with Sam Illingworth and Isobel Gowers  – what a fabulous way to spend a lunch hour …

So what did I learn ?

Well….I learnt that you can screen share using Googlehangouts …….that Isobel and I were already twitter friends but I hadn’t recognised her without her horse ! ……and that you can add weird and wonderful things to enhance your look ( here is a sneaky pick in case you missed Sam’s additions in the video ! )

Isobel and horse !

Isobel and horse !

Sam does fancy dress

Sam and his fancy dress

So what else did I learn ?

I learnt that collaborating with others involves a willingness to reach out and share and be brave and ask ! The people I have met in the Open world have all been so giving and generous with their time. #BYOD4L has been a great way to meet even more like minded souls and hopefully collaborate on other things …. watch this space.

OEr15Oh and I even managed to get in a quick shameless plug for the OER15 Conference that I am helping to organise with the lovely Chrissi and OER15 Planning Committee which is a great example of collaboration if ever I saw one. OERConf will be really pleased !

As a project manager I simply couldn’t function without the generous time and energy that other people give to collaborate with me. So for me collaboration whether face to face or online is simply awesome !

If you want to know more about the OER Wales Cymru Project please check out our portal 

PS I also learnt that I really should wear some makeup while doing a googlehangout #oops

3 Responses

  1. Hi Deb,

    So lovely to read your story about today, how it made you reflect on the value of collaboration and most importantly your thoughts about being perhaps pro-active about it. Fantastic!

    I watched the recording and could see on your faces and the atmosphere that you all had a great time together. I was smiling with you until the end. It was pure magic!!!


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