October 22, 2024

Innovating Pedagogy Report 2022

The OU is just such an amazing institution isn’t it ? The latest Innovating Pedagogy report came out in July and is available from the Innovating Pedagogy blog. The report is a collaboration between the Institute of Educational Technology at the OU and the Open University of Catalonia in Spain. They identify 10 innovative pedagogies that ‘have the potential to provoke major shifts in educational practice’ (Kukulska-Hulme et al 2022, p1). Briefly these are : …

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Blog / PhD

Viva las Viva

I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with the most awesome Dr Amanda Taylor today. She recommended that I listen to a podcast on Viva Survivors by Dr George Julian who is the creator of Viva Cards as it talks about how she prepared for her viva. Now while my own Viva is a long way off for me, I figured it might help to focus my weary brain so I’m currently listening to it …

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Heuristic Inquiry : the search for knowledge on You Tube !

A well spent hour wandering around You Tube lunchtime for videos on Heuristic Inquiry (Moustakas 1990) and thought it would be a good idea to shove them in a post so I can find them again. This is a new one (well 2021) by Partick Martin – quite useful in terms of outlining the stages etc This one came up again – I watched this one ages ago which is a Prezi by Alice Schelgel …

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Qualitative Interviewing

This seems to be a helpful video by James Woodall. Only half way through it at the moment and itโ€™s geared mostly geared towards in person interviews rather than online but still helpful. Also found this paper (McGrath et al 2019) really helpful in terms of offering practical hints and tips https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0142159X.2018.1497149 Still hunting down advice for conducting online semi structured qualitative and/or heuristic interviews to complement the excellent guidance given by Nevine Sultan ๐Ÿ˜‰ …

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Interesting day today , we delivered the first of our in house DLP course for Bristol, I attended a session on open learning for #MyFest22, I came across a great article by Brene Brown on the importance of empathy in leadership which then prompted me to sign up for access to some free resources, which I am currently watching and I also applied for the Jisc internal leadership programme so today has definitely had a …

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Productivity and the PhD

Just finished listening to this gem from the PhD Liferaft Podcast … Particularly like the concept around aligning your environment to help make things easier for you to get stuff done. Alison tells the story about trying to get into the habit of drinking more water each day and despite it being on her to do list it just didn’t happen .. however setting up her environment but getting a chopping board and lemon ready …

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Productive Procrastination

28 May 2022 I’ve spent most of today redoing this blog (again) for like the umpteenth time. I wanted a format that would allow me to put the blog posts in a grid format but that it would still look pretty .. particularly because I will be uploading my sketchnotes and that way I can see them at a glance .. I’m hoping that this isn’t some form of productive procrastination .. it’s not if …

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