Apparently, the podcast that I did for Teaching in Higher Education with the wonderful Bonni Stachowiak has now aired… @bonni208
I haven’t listened to it all back yet as I find the sound of my own voice quite horrifying … god, I can talk such a lot of drivel especially when I’m nervous … I feel should apologise right now for going on about nothing in particular and just ‘get my coat’ …
Bonni, however, was as professional and brilliant as ever and it was an absolute privilege and honour to be invited to be a guest on her show …
I did manage to get in a few extra plugs and recommendations towards the end for some absolutely amazingly brilliant people who Bonni may like to have as a guest on her show … and who will no doubt deliver a much more interesting and probably better-executed podcast interview than I did …
( I think I was only supposed to give three or so recommendations but I seem to have mentioned about twenty – see the links on the website – oops :))
- OER Wales Cymru
- OER15
- Catherine Cronin on Episode 152
- #LTHEchat
- Association of Learning Technology
- Virtually Connecting
- Mozilla backpack
- Sue Beckingham
- Chrissi Nerantzi
- Eleanor Beer
- Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures, by Dan Roam\*
- The Sketchnote Army
- The Sketchnote Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking, by Mike Rohde \*
- Paper Fiftythree
- Procreate
- Adobe Sketch
- Sheila MacNeill
- Sue Beckingham reflects on #SocMedHE18
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