July 27, 2024

Giving the draft posts a new home ….

A while back I blogged about all the little homeless blog posts that I had languishing in my drafts box …. I’ve decided to set them free and unleash them … I was inspired to do this by my lovely colleague Chris Jobling who took the time to comment on my blog and then published his own list of drafts that will never get written and also this article by sarkemedia about Drafty Blogs ! The piece …

Giving the draft posts a new home …. Read More

Deb’s Been Making Badges …

We have used Open Digital Badges for the #SUSALT17 Reaching for Teaching Excellence Learning and Teaching Conference again this year. We have some new designs and a new issuing platform. I did some research in relation to the badges that we used last year and although people liked them, one of the key things that people wanted was a badge image that more accurately reflected what they got it for in the first place. So instead …

Deb’s Been Making Badges … Read More

My Open Story for #101openstories

Hello I’m Debbie Baff .. (@debbaff) and this is my Open Story for #101openstories… to celebrate the year of open sorry it might be a bit of a waffle and possibly too late to make the cut … Inspired by the fabulous #101openstories contribution from the lovely Sheila MacNeill and in response to an encouraging prompt from Chrissi Nerantzi🙂 Open by example … Well if I’m honest I guess my adventure with ‘open’ probably started when I …

My Open Story for #101openstories Read More