Blog Posts …
I’m in awe of people that manage to write a blog post on a daily basis. I’ve found it impossible this week. I did however manage to engage on twitter using the #FOS4L hashtag quite a lot and the odd posting on Google+ Community so that’s something ay ?
I’m glad that I had some advice from the very wise @suebecks to try and record my reflections of the Flexible, Online and Social learning course on a daily basis though as I did manage to get some thoughts scribbled down. Even though I didn’t in the end actually get around to actually writing a blog post per day … Reflecting on this I wonder if a little bit of me is still a bit hesitant with putting myself out there when it comes to actually deep and meaningful thought ? Or maybe it really is just the lack of time … ? In my defence I have had a manically hectic week this week with lots of unplanned things cropping up .. perhaps I would have managed to do a daily post if it had been a normal week ? Not sure …
Anyhow, having had some time on the train today to actually sit down and scribble some thoughts, I managed to find one of my two word docs ( note to self to get better at storing documents so I can find them again !) so I have tried to weave my somewhat bizare notes into something that captures my experiences on Day 1 and 2 as both a facilitator and participant … ( Sort of ). This is part one .. part two still to come …zzzzz
Day 1: Monday ( Digital Literacy and Identity)
I really enjoyed today although I must confess I found it really hectic but so enjoyable all the same. There is such a friendly atmosphere in the #fos4l community. So many familiar faces and loads of new ones. I’m always amazed just how quickly I can feel a connection with someone in an online space. I love learning new things particularly when you don’t realise you are learning.
Twitter Showers !
We had our first Twitter question shower on Monday evening too. I have taken part in tweet chats before but this was my first experience of a question shower.
We were asked to do some pre-reading on Digital Capabilities by Helen Beetham and this proved quite stimulating with what seemed like hundreds of questions being posed and lots of answers flying about … It was great fun but really REALLY hectic … The lovely Sue Beckingham has done a great introduction to Twitter showers which you can see here (this explains it much better than I can do I’m not even going to go there )
This is my first role as facilitator and I’m really enjoying that too. As I’m also a participant there is a whole lot of FOS love going around in my house at the moment. Even the kids refer to me as “mummy’s in the dining room ‘fossing’ 🙂
Day One Activity – Making a Digital Me
Very proud that I managed to actually do a visual representation of the places that I visit online and even do a Debs Online Places blog post on the right day !
Day 2 Flexible Pedagogies
It’s always the way isn’t it when you plan to do something and then something else comes up. I found myself finishing an assignment at around midnight last night and today I have been preparing for an interview tomorrow so my head has been in the shed. That said I did manage to do the odd bit of FOS today and was pleased to have caught the last bit of the Twitter shower this evening. Disappointed though that I didn’t get to do as much as I wanted today as I joined too late and then didn’t have time.
I hope to do a visual representation of my week when I get a chance though as I have been experimenting with sketch noting recently with an app called Zoomnotes.
Twitter Shower
We were asked to do some pre-reading tonight on Flexible pedagogies: new pedagogical ideas by Alex Ryan and Daniella Tilbury .. quite interesting stuff.
Wish I had time to try one of the main activities tonight but that’s just the way it rolls I suppose and the bonus activities look so much fun .. maybe tomorrow ?
The storify of tonight’s Twitter shower is here .