Toolkit in Day / Using Flipgrid at MELSIG

I was thrilled to be asked to help co-lead a workshop at this year’s MELSIG Event Enhancing Practice with Digital and Social Media – using ‘Toolkit In A Day’ methodology to explore the possibilities and practicalities held at Sheffield Hallum University on the 21st June 2018.

Andrew Middleton (@andrewmid) , Sue Beckingham (@suebecks, Alex Spiers (@alexgspiers), Suzanne Faulkner (@SFaulknerPandO) , Graham McElearney (@GrahamMacca),  Chris Rowell (@chri5rowell) and myself (@debbaff) made our way to Sheffield (some of us had a ‘slightly’ longer journey than others !) along with about 100 participants who were all keen to engage in some toolkit creation !


The clever idea behind the day was to create an open online toolkit which would be available for anyone to use.  Participants had three different workshops to choose from  comprising of Social Media for Learning, Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes and Digital Media for Flipped and Blended Learning (or FAB for short ! ).  Sue, Suzanne and yours truly had an absolute blast looking after the ‘Social Media for Learning ‘ workshop.


Sheffield MELSIG PICS2

Toolkit Progress

Andrew has written an update blog post here which pretty much sums up the day in a much better way that I probably could  …


I was also really keen to do some more experimenting with using Flipgrid at MELSIG as I have been doing my best to try and engage people with the idea.


I set up an initial Test Flipgrid to show my co-lead facilitators how it could be used.   You can see contributions from Andrew and Suzanne here. (The code you will need is Fl!pping)

Once they were convinced it would be worth a shot and then set up a live test Pre-Activity which asked people to contribute ways in which they use Social Media at the moment.


Following that with some further investigations  to make sure we had got the basics right, Andrew set up a MELSIG account on Flipgrid so that people could leave their tips for using Social Media


To access the whole MELSIG Flipgrid Grid you can use this link where you will find all the topics: 

You will need the following code to access our grid: C0nnectedv01ces

You should be able to access the three separate grids from the main grid to share tips but here are the direct links anyhow  …

Social Media 4 Learning

Share a tip or idea about using Social Media for Learning.
MELSIG Social Media for Learning Toolkit



Share a tip or idea about using digital or social media to enhance Flipped Active & Blended Learning. MELSIG FAB Toolkit.


Share a tip or idea about using Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes.

Live On the Spot Chat

The lovely Chris Rowell managed to capture some of an impromptu chat during one of the sessions about Flipgrid on persicope too !  Can’t remember what on earth I said but the recording should still be there if you want to take a look !

Unfortunately, looking at the grids now there don’t seem to be any other contributions other than Andrew, Suzanne, Sue and myself 🙁 I’m not quite sure why that is ? Maybe people are a bit camera shy ?  Not sure … I’m still convinced it has great potential though.  The links should all still be live so if you would like to add a tip feel free !


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